Electrical & Plumbing
Plumbing Services
Renovate Max Inc takes great pride in the quality of workmanship we provide to the community and we strive to provide the highest level of customer service possible. We do this by carefully selecting our technicians based on their skills, professionalism, and work experience. We provides full scale plumbing services for problems like flooding, clogs, water heating and any other heavy duty plumbing jobs. The fully experienced and certified technicians are well aware about the plumbing structure in Bay area and they will assist your problem at any time.
Electrical Services
We are fully equipped to provide all types of electrical services for your home or business.We provide all types of residential and commercial wiring, data cabling, and thermal imaging for energy efficient insulation, process piping, motors, and HVAC services. We offer a turnkey solution to our clients’ requirements as we have the ability to furnish, install and maintain any electrical system or combination of building systems.